2024.11.6 Articles
II.SMT Nitrogen Reflow Soldering
Advantages :
1. Nitrogen is an inert gas that acts as a protective agent, reducing the thermal impact zone during soldering and minimizing soldering defects.
2. It helps maintain a stable temperature, enhancing the quality and consistency of the soldering process.
3. For soldering applications that require high precision, nitrogen reflow soldering provides better results.
4. Nitrogen reflow soldering has low thermal conductivity, which reduces heat loss and improves thermal efficiency.
5. It effectively protects metal materials, preventing oxidation when plating or other metals are exposed to the air.
Disadvantages :
1. Nitrogen, being a diatomic gas, has low sound conductivity, which can lead to higher noise levels during the soldering process, requiring adequate noise control.
2. Nitrogen reflow soldering requires specialized nitrogen supply systems and equipment, increasing manufacturing costs.
In the manufacturing process of inductive components, SMT nitrogen reflow soldering offers enhanced protection and ensures the quality of soldered parts. Plated terminals, which are typically made of metal materials like copper, nickel, or gold, are among the components that require soldering.
During the soldering process, if these plated terminals are exposed to air, they may oxidize, resulting in poor solder quality or decreased electrical performance. Using nitrogen reflow soldering effectively addresses this issue. Nitrogen, being an inert gas, prevents oxygen from entering the soldering area, thereby protecting the plated terminals from oxidation. Additionally, nitrogen helps control soldering temperature and time, ensuring consistent and high-quality solder joints.
GOTREND has 24 years of expertise in magnetic component design and manufacturing, offering customers a wide variety of high-quality products in a one-stop shop to meet their application needs. We welcome your inquiries!
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It is stated in our company philosophy that GOTREND enterprise group had the vision of setting up a dream enterprise that work for the sustainable growth, learning, creativity, profitability and happiness of every employee, partners, our customers, investors, and in helping to bring about a better living world. We respect Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS), support actions towards better environmental protections and are committed to design, manufacture and produce energy efficient, environmental friendly products.
Green manufacturing is our belief and all GOTREND products including raw materials, spare parts, solvent, consumables, packing materials, as well as production process are in conformity with WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 2002/96/EC)and RoHS compliance. GOTREND preferred eco-friendly manufacturing methods and materials.
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